Leo Berwick offers premiere tax-sophisticated, client-focused renewable energy valuation and cost segregation services. We fully integrate exceptional valuation, cost segregation, and M&A tax expertise under one unparalleled roof.
When you are considering your next project development, investment, sale, M&A transaction, tax credit application, or tax insurance submission, and financial due diligence in the renewable energy space, consider Leo Berwick as your trusted advisor. Leo Berwick has built a Valuation and Cost Segregation team led by industry veterans with over a combined 175 years of experience and high-quality services and tight integration with our world-class M&A Tax team.
What We Can Do For You
- Support structured finance transactions involving tax credits, IRC 1060
- Integrated tax, valuation andcost segregation analyses
- Valuations for tax insurance placement
- Purchase price allocations, ASC 805
- Repowering valuations for 80/20 tests
- Portfolio valuations
- Other Valuation Services
- Support in IRS audits and appeals
- Appraisals to support financing
- Property tax consulting
- FIRPTA valuations
- Valuations for international restructuring
- Charitable contributions
- Fresh start accounting
- Cost segregation services across all industries
- Machinery and equipment valuations for financing and insurance
What We Bring to Your Next Deal
- A full suite of integrated energy, valuation, cost segregation, and M&A tax professionals with deep industry expertise and knowledge.
- Renewable power generation – utility scale and distributed wind, solar, tidal and geothermal power plants.
- Hydrogen fuel – hydrogen fuel cells, green hydrogen, blue hydrogen, and pink hydrogen.
- Renewable natural gas (“RNG”) – biogas and methane capture projects.
- Biofuel – ethanol and biodiesel.
- Battery and physical storage – battery and electric storage system (“BESS”), thermal.
- Transmission – regulated and contracted.
- Distribution – regulated and contracted.
- Conventional generation – Coal-fired, natural gas, reservoir hydroelectric, nuclear.
- Trusted voices that will identify and answer the difficult questions.
- A holistic and comprehensive analysis that reflects a deep understanding of the Inflation Reduction Act and its impact on your transaction.
- Clear and concise deliverables that address the key valuation, cost segregation and tax aspects of your transaction.
- Deliverables that are responsive to your specific tax and transaction needs and are adapted to the facts and circumstances of the proposed deal’s form and economics.
- Thorough vetting of assumptions and parameters.
Let’s work together.
You want an M&A expert who gets it. A commercially minded expert who understands deals. A partner who shares your drive for minimizing risk, maximizing value, and accelerating returns.
That’s Leo Berwick. The first call you make for any deal.