About Leo Berwick

More and more investors are turning to Leo Berwick for M&A advice.

Not only because we’re emerging leaders in the transactional landscape but also because we’re committed to ensuring the success of our clients’ transactions.


Leo Berwick is a pure-play M&A advisory firm for investors who want more from their advisor.

We’re known for getting the most value out of every deal for our clients. That’s because we work to create successful partnerships with all our clients. We work hard to position our clients to outperform the market. We give them the ability to make the best investment decisions. We help them realize maximum value on every transaction.

Our leadership team’s decades of deal experience and market-leading transaction tax skills make us the growing choice for investors. We’re the trusted deal advisors to many leading organizations, pension funds, private equity funds, and other investors on their most important and complex deals. With full-service M&A tax capabilities in the US and Canada and a growing global alliance, we’re ideally positioned to advise on cross-border and international transactions as a single firm.

Our Difference

For the Select Few.

Leo Berwick is perfectly fine with saying no.

We only work on transactions where we know we can get the best outcome for you. When getting the most out of your transaction means choosing less. Where using our small team, combined with our market-leading know-how, delivers exceptional expertise, unique opportunities, and powerful alliances.

A Cut Above.

Our growing team of tax experts includes former partners at white-shoe law firms and former national practice leaders at “Big 4” accounting firms. What’s more, our roster of senior advisors includes industry leaders, which makes access to them through Leo Berwick an exclusive, competitive edge.

The breadth and depth of our experts’ M&A capability enable us to cover a broad range of transactions occurring across various sectors. Whatever your situation, we have the skills and experience to deliver.

We Focus On Value.

In today’s market, increasing EBITDA is essential. But traditional transactional tax planning focuses on positive cash flow and financial reporting.

We concentrate on monetizable credits (such as excise, manufacturing, and payroll incentives) and other tax items that drive above-the-line growth. Our approach works with your investment strategy, increasing the value of your investments over a short period of time.

People You Can Deal With.

The same Leo Berwick professionals become a part of your deal team, advising on tax matters at every stage of your M&A transaction every time, meaning you get advice from people who understand your investment thesis and needs. As part of your team, we approach every investment with the commercial judgment, creative problem-solving skills, and commitment to quality you’d expect from your deal team. We live on the corner of speed and trust. And because of this, we are not just a tax firm: we are a deal firm.

Flexible Fee Arrangements.

We get that traditional fee arrangements may not make sense for your firm or transaction. Our flexible fee structures include but are not limited to success fees, taking equity in the deal instead of cash, and dead deal discounts.

Tax Advisors Who Model.

The tax aspects of a financial model are often complex and vary from transaction to transaction. It’s not uncommon for your financial model to be sent to your M&A tax advisor for comment, only for you (or your investment bank) to update, resubmit, rinse and repeat.

This process can take weeks and sometimes months.

Leo Berwick takes your existing financial models and builds the cash and exit tax calculations into them in a matter of days so that you can move on with the deal process.

Move Fast. Stay Efficient. Get Results.

To win in M&A, you need a team that plays offense.

Leo Berwick moves fast. Before your first bid, we evaluate the seller’s model, prepare a detailed and targeted Information Request List (IRL), and determine the most important tax considerations for structuring your transaction. By including these terms in your initial letter of intent, we position your bid for success and avoid costly “trades” to obtain these benefits later on in the transaction process.

By front-loading work, Leo Berwick saves time and money by front-loading work, leading to a more thorough and cost-effective tax due diligence when your bid is accepted.

Part of Your Team.

After a deal is done, your advisors usually go their separate ways and focus on the next transaction.

At Leo Berwick, we’re committed to being an integral part of your newly acquired company. We work with your post-merger integration team to make sure the right elections are filed in accordance with the terms of the purchase agreement and that any tax exposures identified during tax due diligence are properly addressed after closing. Leo Berwick can even serve as a temporary Head of Tax for your newly acquired company.

Covering All Angles.

We partner with top-tier financial due diligence advisors with similar Big 4 roots to get our clients the right help on every transaction.

Let’s work together.

You want an M&A expert who gets it. A commercially minded expert who understands deals. A partner who shares your drive for minimizing risk, maximizing value, and accelerating returns.

That’s Leo Berwick. The first call you make for any deal.